Mushroom Mayhem, a Unity Game

Game Developer
Graphic Designer
August – Dec. 2023
Graphic Design
Team Project

Mushroom Mayhem is a platform game created on Unity Game Engine. The player controls a tiny mushroom character and must navigate obstacles–-spikes and enemies alike––to complete various levels amongst a cozy forest.

The goal with Mushroom Mayhem was to learn more about Unity and game development in general. In addition to writing code, the project allowed for creativity in the form of asset/sprite creation and level design.‍

Creating the visuals

The art of the game was hand drawn and created using Adobe Illustrator and Procreate.


Sprites include the playable mushroom and the enemies. Enemies include the enemy mushrooms, spike monsters, water, and wooden spikes.


A classic platform game has platforms, various enemies/obstacles, and interesting scenery. To achieve this aspect of scenery, we implemented a parallax effect on the background.

Understanding the parallax effect

The "parallax effect" is an effect used on foliage backgrounds to create the illusion of depth and perspective. I layered the backgrounds, wrote some code, and ta-da! A moving world! Pretty cool right?

Coloring and feel

We knew we wanted the game to be fun, brightly colored, and "bouncy," akin to a cartoon mushroom. We were inspired by various childhood games we grew up playing, such as the "Red Ball" series.


An introductory level of the game.